Sunday, December 26, 2010

2011 Outlook

Christmas has come and gone, next few days the new awaited year will be here. Am i excited about it? I don't know, but it looks like my life is turning into a different phase.

Firstly i'm happy about the fact that my cousin will going to be here, do stuff together and have fun.

Second, i'm a bit nervous about the first job i'm getting into. Its going to be my first real job ever in my life, hope for the best.

Third, having a job and leave your child behind for hours is always not a good thing. I don't know if i can handle being away from her for a minute. I'm going to miss her a lot for sure. If only i can take her with me, i will do it for sure.

Everything has an option btw, if it doesn't turn out the way i wanted, i still have the back-ups. I got to relize first that being around the house is not a bad thing-(which according to hubbie).